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EU US Space dialogue picture
  • News article

The EU and the US have for a long time enjoyed deep and beneficial cooperation on space affairs. To further develop this cooperation, the two sides engage in regular space dialogues, the most recent of which was held in Brussels on 26-27 June.

  • 1 min read
Galileo Demo Toulouse 1
  • News article

A test and demo campaign of the new EWSS service (Early Warning Satellite System) highlights the future Galileo alert service for broadcasting alerts to the population and for informing/reassuring/guiding the victims after a disaster.

  • 2 min read
IRIS² web banner
  • News article

Today, the Commission enters the second phase of the procurement procedure for a concession contract to design, develop and operate the IRIS² the Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnectivity and Security by Satellite.

  • 1 min read