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Defence Industry and Space
  • News article
  • 13 April 2022
  • 1 min read

Union of Equality:  an EU-wide survey on EU defence industry, aeronautics, and space workforce


Today the Commission launched an EU-wide online survey that aims to obtain the first comprehensive demographic statistics of defence industry, civil aeronautics, and space workforce in the Union.

The survey includes mapping out the current status quo on equality, diversity, and inclusion, in all its dimensions (sex, racial or ethnic origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or belief). The results of this survey will provide baseline data that will feed into the EU policies and shape the future strategies for this sector.  This initiative is part of the effort being developed under the Union of Equality priority.

Equality is a core value of the European Union. Having sector-specific equality data will allow for better design, monitoring, adaptation, and evaluation of EU sectoral policies targeting equality. The data collected under this survey will allow the development of targeted and aligned actions in the European defence industry, aeronautics, and space sectors.

The online survey is open for replies until 15 July and can be found here:



Publication date
13 April 2022