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Defence Industry and Space
STM v2
STM stakeholder mechanism

Safeguarding space operations

Why is this relevant?

The Joint Communication on STM of the Commission and the High Representative (HR) sets out an ‘EU Approach for Space Traffic Management (STM)’. The rapidly increasing numbers of space actors, space activities and space objects resulting in further space debris call for action.

To respond to this call, the EU proposes to identify needs, aggregate requirements, synthesise stakeholder views, leverage technology and coordinate external engagement. The EU approach on STM therefore builds on four parallel avenues: (1) assessing civilian and military STM requirements and impacts for EU space operators, (2) enhancing EU operational capabilities to support STM, (3) fostering STM regulatory aspects, and (4) promoting the EU STM approach at the international level.

Along these four avenues, the Joint Communication proposes ten actions to tackle the global challenge of agreeing on and managing traffic in space. Several of these actions call for fora in which experts and specialists develop together with the Commission, the HR and other EU and European bodies commonly agreed solutions to some aspects of STM.

What is the STM stakeholder mechanism?

Mirroring the four avenues of the Joint Communication, the Stakeholder Mechanism on Space Traffic Management brings together the fora called for in the Joint Communication into one comprehensive structure. The STM stakeholder mechanism therefore consists of one main group and four subgroups which will meet on a regular basis to gather their input, ideas, and contributions.

STM main group

The main group of the STM stakeholder mechanism will coordinate and supervise the work of the subgroups and ensure liaison between the DG DEFIS and EEAS on the one hand and the Member States on the other. It will

  • assist DG DEFIS and EEAS in the preparation of legislative proposals and policy initiatives in the field of STM
  • establish cooperation and coordination between the Commission and the HR and Member States or stakeholders on questions relating to the preparation of EU legislation, programmes and policies in the field of STM
  • bring about an exchange of experience and good practice in the field of STM

STM subgroup 1 – civilian and military STM requirements of space operators

Subgroup 1 of the STM stakeholder mechanism will:

  • assist DG DEFIS and EEAS in the preparation of legislative proposals and policy initiatives in the field of civilian and military operator requirements for STM
  • identify requirements of civilian and military spacecraft operators and compile them in a comprehensive report
  • maintain a regular dialogue on STM-related developments covering both civilian and military needs
  • establish cooperation and coordination between the Commission and Member States or stakeholders on questions relating to the preparation of EU legislation, programmes and policies in the field of civilian and military space operator requirements for STM
  • bring about an exchange of experience and good practice in the field of civilian and military operator requirements for STM

STM subgroup 2 – EU Industry and Start-ups Forum (EISF)

Subgroup 2 of the STM stakeholder mechanism will

  • bring about an exchange of experience and good practice in the field of STM
  • ensure that all potential capabilities and innovation offered by the EU space industry and start-ups are used in strengthening the public services delivered by EU SST
  • advise on policy initiatives in the field of STM

The EU Industry and Start-ups Forum on STM (EISF) is a discussion forum where EU stakeholders jointly define research and development priorities. These priorities are funded by tendering more than 80% of the available EU SST budget to EU industry.

The EISF is co-chaired by the EU SST Partnership and the Commission and gathers more than 150 members from more than 70 EU companies including startups, SMEs, midcaps and major actors. Several Research and Technology Organisations (RTO) established in the EU also participate in the EISF.

The EISF is organised into three working groups:

  1. Commercial Data Provision
  2. Development of innovative commercial sensors and value chain
  3. Services To learn more about or to join the EISF, check out the EISF one-pager or contact DEFIS-EUSST-INDUSTRYFORUMatec [dot] europa [dot] eu (DEFIS-EUSST-INDUSTRYFORUM[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu). To learn about tendering opportunities, check out Procurement – EU SST.

STM subgroup 3 – regulatory aspects of STM:

Subgroup 3 of the STM stakeholder mechanism will

  • assist DG DEFIS and EEAS in the preparation of legislative proposals and policy initiatives in the field of regulatory aspects for STM
  • develop new European and international standards, to promote selected standards and guidelines at the EU level, and to create a toolbox to assist Member States in licensing requests by satellite operators
  • establish cooperation and coordination between the Commission and Member States or stakeholders on questions relating to the preparation of EU legislation, programmes and policies in the field of regulatory aspects for STM
  • bring about an exchange of experience and good practice in the field of regulatory aspects for STM

STM subgroup 4 – international dimension of STM:

Subgroup 4 of the STM stakeholder mechanism will

  • assist DG DEFIS and EEAS in the preparation of policy initiatives in the field of international aspects for STM
  • monitor current and emerging international and multilateral developments in STM and evaluate their implications, and to analyse the external impacts of the issues identified by the other subgroups
  • establish cooperation and coordination between the Commission and Member States or stakeholders on questions relating to the preparation of EU policies in the field of international aspects for STM
  • bring about an exchange of experience and good practice in the field of international cooperation for STM