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Copernicus continues to demonstrate its responsiveness to the needs and demands of the user community with the recently announced exceptional and temporary extension of the availability of the data from the Sentinel-2A satellite mission for one year.
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The European Commission has adopted the fifth annual Work Programme under the European Defence Fund (EDF), allocating €1.065 billion to collaborative defence research and development (R&D) projects.
- EU Defence Industry
- Type of documents
- Press Release

Qascom, in partnership with the Italian Space Agency (ASI), is set to make history by achieving the first-ever satellite navigation positioning fix from the Moon using Galileo and GPS signals.

One of the top priorities is the full rollout of the EU’s Space flagship programmes: Galileo, Copernicus, SSA (Space Surveillance and Awareness), and GOVSATCOM. These programs will be further enhanced to ensure that Europe remains at the forefront of space innovation and security.

The European Commission and several Member States (France, Germany, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain) have signed a joint declaration to support the deployment of an In-Space Operations and Services (ISOS) pilot mission.
- EU Space
- Research, Development and Innovation
- Categories of actions
- Space

During the European Space Conference, European Commissioner for Defence and Space, Andrius Kubilius, has made a series of significant announcements aimed at reinforcing Europe’s leadership in Space.

On 27 January 2025, the Alliance for Zero-Emission Aviation (AZEA) held its 5th General Assembly at EUROCONTROL. At the occasion of the 5th General Assembly, the Alliance emphasised its commitment to the delivery of a Roadmap for the entire ecosystem by the end of 2025.

Ready to push the boundaries of defence technology? Come and hear about the vast number of opportunities that the European Union provides to innovators and investors in the area of defence technologies.
- EU Countries
- Latvia

The Copernicus Global Climate Highlights Report 2024, published today, confirms 2024 as the warmest year on record and the first to exceed 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels for the annual global average temperature. Last year was also the warmest for all continental regions, including Europe, except
The Commission has signed the concession contract for the Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnectivity and Security by Satellite (IRIS²), a multi-orbital constellation of 290 satellite, with the SpaceRISE consortium.