Staff working document to launch the co-creation process
In July 2023, the Commission published the staff working document ‘For a resilient, sustainable and digital aerospace and defence industrial ecosystem: Scenarios for a transition pathway’ to initiate the co-creation process. The staff working document listed possible areas of action and measures to support the green and digital transitions as well as the resilience of the aerospace and defence ecosystem.
On- line stakeholders consultation
On the basis of the staff working document, an online public consultation was conducted from 26 July to 3 November 2023. Stakeholders were invited to reflect and provide an assessment of scale, cost, long-term benefit of the possible areas of actions, commitments and investments to accompany the transition. The responses received provided an overview of existing challenges and emphasised key areas for action to be included the pathway.
Following the consultation, it was decided that the transition for the Defence industry part of the ecosystem would be covered by the European Defence Industrial Strategy adopted by the Commission on 05 March 2024.
The transition pathway document will therefore concern the Aerospace part of the ecosystem
Co-creation process
To complement the results of the public consultation, the Commission organized four thematic workshops with stakeholders on the following topics:
- resilience and capacity to act during war and crises,
- green transition,
- digitalization,
- competitiveness and access to resources.
The summary report of the thematic workshops can be consulted here
A final workshop was organized on 17 November 2023 with the Commission expert group on Policies & Programmes relevant to EU Space, Defence and Aeronautics Industry (SDA), based on the results of consultations until then.
Publication of the Aerospace transition pathway
The Transition Pathway for the aerospace ecosystem was published on 7June 2024.
The policy report includes 53 priority actions to support the twin transitions and the long-term resilience and competitiveness of the aerospace ecosystem. The actions are divided into six building blocks, each representing one key aspect of the transition:
- Regulation and public governance
- Resilience
- Green transition
- Digital transition
- Competitiveness
- Social dimension
Co-implementation of the Aerospace transition pathway
Supporting commitments for the aerospace ecosystem transition pathway.
The publication of the transition pathway initiates the co-implementation phase. A key objective of the co-implementation process is to collect commitments from stakeholders. To this aim, a call for commitments will be launched soon and will remain open during the implementation phase of the aerospace ecosystem transition pathway. The purpose of the call is to collect commitments on the concrete actions that stakeholders will take in order to bring forward actions identified in the transition pathway.
We will update this section as developments occur.