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Defence Industry and Space

Support to Border Surveillance and Maritime Surveillance Operations


EU GOVSATCOM will support the civilian security actors and military forces  entrusted with the surveillance of the EU borders and with maritime surveillance by providing connectivity with and between the platforms and sensors collecting intelligence to inform decision making.

EU GOVSATCOM will offer a permanent coverage and near-real time connectivity both at global scale, with a scattered density of surveillance assets, and at local scale, over areas of more intense density of surveillance assets which are a few thousand square kilometres wide. In the specific case of maritime surveillance, the local scale will focus on the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the North and South Atlantic and the Baltic area.

The Arctic area should also be covered as human activities, and in particular maritime traffic, increase in the region. The specific EU GOVSATCOM needs for the region are however not limited to surveillance but also concern crisis management and key infrastructure 

EU GOVSATCOM will provide surveillance actors with a portfolio of communication services offering voice communications, transmission of high-resolution radar and optical images, broadcast and multicast data services, low data rate transmission and remote and secured access to specific information systems.