The Observatory of Critical Technologies (OCT), co-led by DG DEFIS and DG JRC, monitors and analyses critical technologies, related developments and supply chains of space and defence. The OCT was established further to the Action Plan on Synergies between civil, defence, and space industries (COM(2021) 70 of 22 Feb 2021).
The OCT identifies critical technologies for space, security, defence, and public order. It provides regular analysis and risk assessments. It focuses on space and defence as a first step. It should expand its scope to encompass civil technologies in the future.

A technology is defined critical if it meets all the below criteria:
- technology for which there is a strategic dependency (no EU source is available, and no unrestricted access from non-EU sources);
- technology essential for space, security, defence, or the twin digital and green transition in the context of space and defence;
- technology of multi-use and/or-applications;
- technology of low-medium integration level, i.e. components, equipment, sub-systems, including materials, advanced materials, methods, processes and tools required for those ;
- technology that has a clearly identified function and performance.
The Commission issues regular EU classified reports discussed with EU Member States. These reports help identify areas requiring urgent activities. Thus, they inform EU policy development, research & development and investment, including the EU Space R&D Programme and the European Defence Fund . DEFIS will issue the first set of space technological EU roadmaps early 2025.