About PADR
The Preparatory Action on Defence Research (PADR) is a precursor programme of the European Defence Fund (EDF). PADR funds 18 research projects that have been selected following calls for proposals in the years 2017 to 2019, including an open call on disruptive technologies to test this new research field in view of the future EDF.
PADR Objectives
- Demonstrate and assess added-value of EU supported defence R&T
- Foster cooperation between Member States and between EU defence industries, RTOs and academia
- Prepare the research window of the EDF from 2021 onwards
PADR Scale and Scope
- Duration: 3 years – 2017-2019
- Total budget: EUR 90 million + Norway contribution (EUR 2 million) divided over the three years as follows:
- 2017 Budget: EUR 25 million
- 2018 Budget: EUR 40 million
- 2019 Budget: EUR 25 million
- Budget is used to set-up a small defence R&T programme to prepare and test mechanisms to deliver cooperative defence research activities at European level
PADR Modalities
- Horizon 2020 "look & feel" but adapted to specificities of the defence sector & Financial Regulation
- Participation: legal entities established in Member States or Norway
- Mainly GRANT-based scheme (research actions – coordination and support actions); procurement limited to studies
- IPR: results owned by the beneficiaries; measures to inform national authorities on the outcome of the projects
- Implementation mode: Commission overall responsible for PADR implementation. Certain call implementation tasks were delegated to the European Defence Agency (EDA)
- Evaluation of project proposals based on excellence. The evaluation of most calls for proposals was organised by EDA assisted by independent experts. The open call on disruptive technologies PADR-FDDT-OPEN-03-2019 in 2019 was implemented by the European Commission)
- Funding: 100% direct eligible costs + indirect costs (flat rate of 25% of direct eligible costs excluding direct eligible costs for subcontracting)
- EU funding was only to be used for R&T activities related to defence technologies, products and systems, and not to fund military operations
Outcome 2019 PADR Work Programme
- Call – Electromagnetic Spectrum Dominance
Combined radar, communications, and electronic warfare functions based on European Active Electronically Scanned Arrays for military applications.
- Call – Future Disruptive Defence Technologies
· Challenging the future. 3 projects funded: METAMASK, SPINAR, PRIVILEGE
· Emerging game changers. 5 projects funded: ARTUS, AIDED, OPTIMISE, PILUM, QUANTAQUEST
- Call – Unmanned systems.
Interoperability standards for military unmanned systems.
Outcome 2018 Work Programme
- Call – Electronic Design Technologies for Defence Applications
European high-performance, trustable (re)configurable system-on-a-chip or system-in-package for defence applications.
1 project funded: EXCEED
- Call – Effects
Towards a European high power laser effector.
1 project funded: TALOS
- Call – Strategic Technology Foresight
The European Defence Research Runway – part II.
1 project funded: SOLOMON
Outcome 2017 Work Programme
- Call – Unmanned platforms
Technological demonstrator for enhanced situational awareness in a naval environment.
1 project funded OCEAN 2020
- Call – Force Protection and Soldier Systems
Force protection and advanced soldier systems beyond current programmes.
3 projects funded GOSSRA, VESTLIFE, ACAMS II
- Call – Strategic Technology Foresight
The European Defence Research Runway.
1 project funded PYTHIA