Network of European Defence Fund National Focal Points (NFP) - European Commission
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Network of European Defence Fund National Focal Points (NFP)


Discover your national EDF contact point

What are European Defence Fund (EDF) NFPs?

The National Focal Points (NFPs) are individuals nominated by EU Member States and countries associated to the European Defence Fund (Norway). NFPs will support the implementation of the European Defence Fund: working closely with DG DEFIS they will reach out to stakeholders, notably applicants and potential applicants, provide information and advice to potential applicants and beneficiaries of the EDF programme and assist in building partnerships, throughout the EDF life cycle.

What type of services do the NFPs offer?

In general, the following core services are offered by NFPs:

  • Advise on Commission administrative procedures, rules and application forms related to the EDF programme;
  • Advise on national administrative procedures and specific conditions related to application process e.g. guarantees, third country entities;
  • Organise information and promotional activities, such as national EDF info days;
  • Circulate to potential applicants generic EDF documentation and documentation related to specific call for proposals on the EDF.
  • NFPs may also offer additional services such as providing assistance with partner search activities and signposting to other business support networks, relevant Member States administration and other EU/national/regional funding services and programmes.

As the NFPs will operate primarily at the national level and taking into account that the make-up of defence industries vary throughout the EU and in Associated Countries, the type and level of services offered may differ from country to country.

The offered services are in line with the NFP Guiding Principles.

Where can I find my NFP?

Useful Links:

European Defence Fund