What are European Defence Fund (EDF) NFPs?
The National Focal Points are individuals nominated by EU Member States and countries associated to the European Defence Fund (Norway) that are supported by national structures established under the responsibility and control of the Member States and Norway.
NFPs will support the implementation of the European Defence Fund: working closely with DG DEFIS they will reach out to stakeholders, notably applicants and potential applicants, provide information and advice to potential applicants and beneficiaries of the EDF programme and assist in building partnerships, throughout the EDF life cycle.
What type of services do the NFPs offer?
In general, the following core services are offered by NFPs in accordance with the NFP Guiding Principles and in line with the Special Group NFP-EDF Rules of Procedure:
- Advise on Commission administrative procedures, rules and application forms related to the EDF programme;
- Advise on national administrative procedures and specific conditions related to application process e.g. guarantees, third country entities;
- Organise information and promotional activities, such as national EDF info days;
- Circulate to potential applicants generic EDF documentation and more specific call for proposals related documentation on the EDF.
NFPs may also offer additional services such as providing assistance with partner search activities and signposting to other business support networks, relevant Member States administration and other EU/national/regional funding services and programmes.
As the NFPs will operate primarily at the national level and taking into account that the make-up of defence industries vary throughout the EU and in Associated Countries, the type and level of services offered may differ from country to country. The Commission aims to facilitate the sharing of best practices between NFPs through, amongst other things, arranging regular meetings, facilitating presentations by individual NFPs, encouraging and facilitating interactions with the National Contact Point Network (NCP) established under Horizon Europe and by facilitating twinning events.
Where can I find my NFP?
Austria - Thomas LEITHNER
- Name
- Austria - Thomas LEITHNER
- Organisation
- Austrian Research Promotion Agency
- Website
- https://www.ffg.at/europa/edf
- thomas [dot] leithnerffg [dot] at
- Phone number
- +43 5 7755 4212
Austria - Thomas ZERGOI (Alternate)
- Name
- Austria - Thomas ZERGOI (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Austrian Research Promotion Agency
- Website
- https://www.ffg.at/europa/edf
- thomas [dot] zergoiffg [dot] at
- Phone number
- +43 5 7755 4201
Belgium (NL) - Xavier HAEZEBROUCK
Functional Mailbox: nfp-edfeconomie [dot] fgov [dot] be (nfp-edf[at]economie[dot]fgov[dot]be)
- Name
- Belgium (NL) - Xavier HAEZEBROUCK
- Organisation
- FPS Economie
- Website
- https://economie.fgov.be/nl/themas/ondernemingen/specifieke-sectoren/defensie/h…
- xavier [dot] haezebrouckeconomie [dot] fgov [dot] be
- Phone number
- +32 2 277 92 37
Belgium (FR) - Pierre DE MAN (Alternate)
- Name
- Belgium (FR) - Pierre DE MAN (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Royal Higher Institute for Defence
- Website
- https://economie.fgov.be/fr/themes/entreprises/secteurs-specifiques/defense/fon…
- pierre [dot] DeMan2mil [dot] be
- Phone number
- +32 2 441 42 71
Bulgaria - Dilyana KARAGEORGIEVA
- Name
- Bulgaria - Dilyana KARAGEORGIEVA
- Organisation
- Ministry of Economy
- Website
- https://www.mi.government.bg/bg/themes-c412.html
- d [dot] karageorgievami [dot] government [dot] bg
- Phone number
- (+359) 2 940 75 82
Bulgaria - Svetlin STEFANOV (Alternate)
- Name
- Bulgaria - Svetlin STEFANOV (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Ministry of Economy
- sv [dot] stefanovmi [dot] government [dot] bg
- Phone number
- (+359) 2 940 73 98
Croatia - Goran BASARAC
- Name
- Croatia - Goran BASARAC
- Organisation
- Croatian Defense Industry Competitiveness Cluster
- predsjednikhkkoi [dot] hr
- Phone number
- +385 99 218 3985
Croatia - Tadija LUČIĆ (Alternate)
- Name
- Croatia - Tadija LUČIĆ (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Ministry of Defence
- tadija [dot] lucicmorh [dot] hr
- Phone number
- +385 (1) 48 61 317
Cyprus - Antonis Antoniou
- Name
- Cyprus - Antonis Antoniou
- Organisation
- Ministry of Defence
- anantonioumod [dot] gov [dot] cy
- Phone number
- +357 22807754
Cyprus - Christos PAPAIOAKIM (Alternate)
- Name
- Cyprus - Christos PAPAIOAKIM (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Research and innovation/Ministry of Defence of Cyprus
- research [dot] innovationmod [dot] gov [dot] cy
- Phone number
- (+357) 22807753
Czechia - Kristýna HELM
- Name
- Czechia - Kristýna HELM
- Organisation
- Czech Defense and Security Industry Association
- Website
- https://aobp.cz/evropsky-obranny-fond/
- edfaobp [dot] cz
- Phone number
- +420 224 235320
Czechia - Václav SYRUČEK (Alternate)
- Name
- Czechia - Václav SYRUČEK (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Czech Defense and Security Industry Association
- syrucekaobp [dot] cz
- Phone number
- (+420) 604401338
Denmark - Joachim FINKIELMAN
- Name
- Denmark - Joachim FINKIELMAN
- Organisation
- Danish Defence and Security Association
- Website
- http://www.di.dk/di-fos
- Phone number
- +45 61871540
Denmark - Henrik Navntoft Sønderskov (Alternate)
- Name
- Denmark - Henrik Navntoft Sønderskov (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Danish Defence and Security Association
- Website
- http://www.di.dk/di-fos
- Phone number
- +45 52185913
Estonia - Liisa-Helena TAGAM
- Name
- Estonia - Liisa-Helena TAGAM
- Organisation
- Estonian Defence Industry Association
- liisa-helena [dot] tagamdefence [dot] ee
- Phone number
- (+372) 5648 3446
Finland - Markus RANNE
- Name
- Finland - Markus RANNE
- Organisation
- Business Finland
- markus [dot] rannebusinessfinland [dot] fi
- Phone number
- +358 40 343 3453
Finland - Niklas BACKLUND (Alternate)
- Name
- Finland - Niklas BACKLUND (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Ministry of Defence
- edf [dot] plmgov [dot] fi
France - François MONTAGNE
- Name
- France - François MONTAGNE
- Organisation
- Ministry of Armed Forces
- francois-p [dot] montagneintradef [dot] gouv [dot] fr
- Phone number
- (+33) 9 88 67 26 86
France - Leo BENEDETTI (Alternate)
- Name
- France - Leo BENEDETTI (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Systematic Paris Region
- leo [dot] benedettisystematic-paris-region [dot] org
- Phone number
- (+33) 7 71 60 99 50
Germany - Christine PROKOPF
- Name
- Germany - Christine PROKOPF
- Organisation
- VDI Technology Center Germany
- Website
- https://www.bundeswehr.de/nksevf
- nksevfvdi [dot] de
- Phone number
- (+49) 211 6214 945
Greece - Alexandros PANTAZIS
- Name
- Greece - Alexandros PANTAZIS
- Organisation
- Hellenic Ministry of National Defence
- el_nfpgdaee [dot] mil [dot] gr
- Phone number
- (+30)2107466513
Greece - Dimitros ARAVANIS (Alternate)
- Name
- Greece - Dimitros ARAVANIS (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Hellenic Ministry of National Defence
- daravanisgdaee [dot] mil [dot] gr
- Phone number
- (+30) 210 746 6158
Hungary - Levente András BALOG
- Name
- Hungary - Levente András BALOG
- Organisation
- Ministry of Defence of Hungary
- Website
- https://nkfih.gov.hu/hivatalrol/nemzetkozi-szervezetek/europai-vedelmi-alap
- balog [dot] andras [dot] leventehm [dot] gov [dot] hu
- Phone number
- +36-30-606-4169
Ireland - Gráinne O'MALLEY
Functional Mailbox: rtidefence [dot] ie (rti[at]defence[dot]ie)
- Name
- Ireland - Gráinne O'MALLEY
- Organisation
- Department of Defence
- Grainne [dot] OMalleydefence [dot] ie
- Phone number
- +353 (0)45 45 2173
Italy - Diego GIARRIZZO
- Name
- Italy - Diego GIARRIZZO
- Organisation
- Secretariat General of Defence/National Armaments Directorate 3rd Department
- edf [dot] caposgd [dot] difesa [dot] it
- Phone number
- +39 06 4691 30425
Italy - Andrea CROCI (Alternate)
- Name
- Italy - Andrea CROCI (Alternate)
- Organisation
- AIAD – Federazione Aziende Italiane per l’Aerospazio, la Difesa e la Sicurezza I
- a [dot] crociaiad [dot] it
- Phone number
- +39 3497130910
Latvia - Mārtiņš NILSONS
- Name
- Latvia - Mārtiņš NILSONS
- Organisation
- Ministry of Defence
- edfmod [dot] gov [dot] lv
- Phone number
- +371 6733 5280
Latvia - Vineta MILEIKO (Alternate)
Functional Mailbox: edfmod [dot] gov [dot] lv (edf[at]mod[dot]gov[dot]lv)
- Name
- Latvia - Vineta MILEIKO (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Ministry of Defence
- vineta [dot] mileikomod [dot] gov [dot] lv
- Phone number
- (+371) 67335064
Lithuania - Marius ALEKNA
- Name
- Lithuania - Marius ALEKNA
- Organisation
- Defence Materiel Agency
- Website
- https://gra.lrv.lt/lt/tyrimai-ir-technologijos
- marius [dot] aleknakam [dot] lt
- Phone number
- + 370 706 80 375
Lithuania - Domile LIDEIKYTE (Alternate)
- Name
- Lithuania - Domile LIDEIKYTE (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Defence Materiel Agency
- Website
- https://gra.lrv.lt/lt/tyrimai-ir-technologijos
- domile [dot] lideikytekam [dot] lt
Luxembourg - Alexander LINK
- Name
- Luxembourg - Alexander LINK
- Organisation
- Luxinnovation
- Website
- https://www.luxinnovation.lu/innovate-in-luxembourg/funding/defence-rd-funding-…
- alexander [dot] linkluxinnovation [dot] lu
- Phone number
- +352 43 62 63-864
Malta - Josephine VASSALLO PARNIS
- Name
- Malta - Josephine VASSALLO PARNIS
- Organisation
- Malta Enterprise
- josephine [dot] vassallomaltaenterprise [dot] com
- Phone number
- +356 2542 0000
Netherlands - Boy DACIER
- Name
- Netherlands - Boy DACIER
- Organisation
- Netherlands Enterprise Agency
- Website
- https://www.rvo.nl/subsidies-financiering/edf
- boy [dot] dacierrvo [dot] nl
- Phone number
- +316 21813073
Netherlands - Victor HARTONG (Alternate)
- Name
- Netherlands - Victor HARTONG (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Netherlands Enterprise Agency
- Website
- https://www.rvo.nl/subsidies-financiering/edf
- victor [dot] hartongrvo [dot] nl
- Phone number
- +316 21813073
Norway - Torbjørn SVENSGARD (Alternate)
Functional mailbox: FD-EDFfd [dot] dep [dot] no (FD-EDF[at]fd[dot]dep[dot]no)
- Name
- Norway - Torbjørn SVENSGARD (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Ministry of Defence
- Website
- https://www.forsvarsfondet.no/
- torbjorn [dot] svensgardnho [dot] no
Poland - Przemysław WOŹNIAK
Functional MailBox: edfmon [dot] gov [dot] pl (edf[at]mon[dot]gov[dot]pl)
- Name
- Poland - Przemysław WOŹNIAK
- Organisation
- Ministry of National Defence, Innovation Department
- Website
- https://www.gov.pl/web/obrona-narodowa/europejski-fundusz-obronny-2021
- pwozniakmon [dot] gov [dot] pl
- Phone number
- (+48)261874462
Poland - Kamil MIELUS (Alternate)
- Name
- Poland - Kamil MIELUS (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
- Website
- https://www.gov.pl/web/rozwoj-technologia/europejski-fundusz-obronny-mozliwosci…
- kamil [dot] mielusmrit [dot] gov [dot] pl
- Phone number
- (+48)2241190 68
Portugal - Francisco VEIGA
- Name
- Portugal - Francisco VEIGA
- Organisation
- Ministry of Defence
- francisco [dot] veigadefesa [dot] pt
- Phone number
- +351 213038635
Portugal - Marco PINTO (Alternate)
- Name
- Portugal - Marco PINTO (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Ministry of Defence
- marco [dot] pintodefesa [dot] pt
- Phone number
- +351 213 027 254
Romania - Eugen MOLDOVEANU
- Name
- Romania - Eugen MOLDOVEANU
- Organisation
- Defence Industry Directorate/ Ministry of Economy (MEc)
- Website
- https://www.dpa.ro/pentru-operatori-economici/fondul-european-de-aparare
- eugen [dot] moldoveanueconomie [dot] gov [dot] ro
- Phone number
- (+40)722560271
Romania - Marian VATAVU (Alternate)
- Name
- Romania - Marian VATAVU (Alternate)
- Organisation
- General Directorate of Armaments / Ministry of National Defence (MoND)
- Website
- https://www.dpa.ro/pentru-operatori-economici/fondul-european-de-aparare
- marian [dot] vatavudpa [dot] ro
- Phone number
- (+40)741045629
Slovakia - Igor DOBROVIC
- Name
- Slovakia - Igor DOBROVIC
- Organisation
- Ministry of Defence
- Website
- https://www.mosr.sk/edf/
- igor [dot] dobrovicmil [dot] sk
- Phone number
- +421 960 317 511
Slovakia - Ivan STEFLIK (Alternate)
- Name
- Slovakia - Ivan STEFLIK (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Permanent Representation of Slovakia to the EU
- Website
- https://www.mosr.sk/edf/
- ivan [dot] steflikmod [dot] gov [dot] sk
- Phone number
- +32 2 743 67 31+32 473 537 546
Slovenia - Marin STEFANEC
- Name
- Slovenia - Marin STEFANEC
- Organisation
- Ministry of Defence
- Website
- https://www.gov.si/zbirke/projekti-in-programi/evropski-obrambni-sklad/
- marin [dot] stefanecmors [dot] si
- Phone number
- +386 1 471 2938
Spain - Alberto HERAS GONZALEZ
- Name
- Spain - Alberto HERAS GONZALEZ
- Organisation
- Ministry of Defence
- Website
- http://www.tecnologiaeinnovacion.defensa.gob.es/es-es/Presentacion/ImasD/Pagina…
- ES [dot] UE [dot] MULTImde [dot] es
- Phone number
- +34 91213 2352
Spain - Fernando Íñigo VILLACORTA (Alternate)
- Name
- Spain - Fernando Íñigo VILLACORTA (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Ministry of Defence
- ES [dot] UE [dot] MULTImde [dot] es
- Phone number
- (+34) 91 213 2177
Sweden - Hans BRAGE
- Name
- Sweden - Hans BRAGE
- Organisation
- Swedish Defence Materiel Administration
- Website
- https://www.fmv.se/internationellt/europeiska-forsvarsfonden/
- hans [dot] bragefmv [dot] se
- Phone number
- +46 (0)70 782 42 41
Sweden -Alice ROGBLAD-WAHLSTROM (Alternate)
Functional Email: edffmv [dot] se (edf[at]fmv[dot]se)
- Name
- Sweden -Alice ROGBLAD-WAHLSTROM (Alternate)
- Organisation
- Swedish Defence Materiel Administration
- Website
- https://www.fmv.se/internationellt/europeiska-forsvarsfonden/
- Alice [dot] rogblad [dot] wahlstromfmv [dot] se
- Phone number
- (+46) 72 995 66 56