SMEs (including start-ups) and midcaps are key contributors for the innovation and resilience of the defence industry, and EU’s security. Access to finance, and in particular to equity, is essential for the development of these companies, both new companies developing innovative technologies or more established players in the defence supply chain.
The European Commission is supporting the launch of a survey for a study on the access to equity financing for European SMEs and midcaps in the defence sector.
The study will:
- Assess companies’ funding needs and challenges to access financing;
- Assess drivers and barriers to invest in the defence sector;
- Map the European ecosystem of investors active in the defence sector;
- Quantify the funding gaps for European SMEs and Midcaps in the defence sector in the EU.
How to participate?
You are invited to participate in a free online survey, by clicking here[2]:
INVESTORS: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/DGDEFIS2023
COMPANIES: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/A2EEUDefenceSMEMidcap2023
For the SME survey: 30 June
For the investors survey : 7 July
Who should participate in the survey?
- European SMEs[1] or midcaps active in the defence sector;
- Private equity or venture capital funds investing, or not, in the defence sector.
Why should you participate?
Your contribution will provide valuable insights and support for the development of relevant policy measures aiming to improve access to finance for the defence sector within the EU.
For investors: csilcsilmilano [dot] com (csil[at]csilmilano[dot]com)
For companies: surveydefence-a2f [dot] eu (survey[at]defence-a2f[dot]eu)
[1] According to the EU SME definition
[2] The Survey is compliant with Data Privacy Regulation (EU) 2016/679. Read the dedicated privacy statement for more information about how your data will be processed.
- Publication date
- 3 May 2023