The European Defence Commission is establishing a database of independent experts who are Union nationals and who can be contracted in connection with the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) for
- evaluations of proposals
- monitoring of the implementation of actions
The European Commission is looking for experts with a high level of expertise and professional experience in a military context, specifically regarding the development of defence products and technologies, or management of defence capabilities development projects/programmes in a European and/or NATO context, in one or more of the following areas related to the 2020 EDIDP calls for proposals.
Calls for experts by topic
- Call EDIDP-CBRN-2020 – Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) detection capabilities and medical countermeasures
- Topic EDIDP-CBRN-DEWS-2020 – Capabilities for CBRN risk assessment, detection, early warning and surveillance
- Topic EDIDP-CBRN-MCM-2020 – CBRN medical countermeasures, such as preventive and therapeutic immunotherapy
- Call EDIDP-UCCRS-2020 – Underwater control contributing to resilience at sea
- Topic EDIDP-UCCRS-MCM-2020 – Solutions to detect, identify, counter and protect against mine threats (including those operating at very high depths)
- Topic EDIDP-UCCRS-MUAS-2020 – Solutions to detect, identify, counter and protect against mobile manned, unmanned or autonomous underwater systems (including those operating at very high depths)
- Topic EDIDP-UCCRS-EDD-2020 – Enhanced defence diving solutions to detect, identify, counter and protect against sub-surface threats
- Call EDIDP-CUAS-2020 – Counter Unmanned Air Systems (UASs) capabilities
- Call EDIDP-CSAMN-2020 – Cyber situational awareness and defence capabilities, defence networks and technologies for secure communication and information sharing
- Topic EDIDP-CSAMN-SDN-2020 – Software defined network for defence use including the development of products and technologies
- Topic EDIDP-CSAMN-EDICT-2020 – Easily deployable and interconnected cyber toolbox for defence use
- Call EDIDP-SSAEW-2020 – Space Situational Awareness (SSA) and early warning capabilities
- Topic EDIDP-SSAEW-SC2-2020 – Advanced Space Command and Control (SC2) capability to process and exploit SSA data generated from sensors and catalogues to provide a complete space picture
- Topic EDIDP-SSAEW-SSAS-2020 – Enhanced SSA sensors for accurate identification and characterization of existing Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) and Low Earth Orbit (LEO) public and private assets
- Topic EDIDP-SSAEW-EW-2020 – Early warning against ballistic missile threats through initial detection and tracking of ballistic missiles before handing over to ground based radars
- Call EDIDP-MSC-2020 – Maritime surveillance capabilities
- Topic EDIDP-MSC-IS-2020 – Integrated solution to enhance the maritime situational awareness
- Topic EDIDP-MSC-MFC-2020 – Multifunctional capabilities, including space-based surveillance and tracking, able to enhance the maritime awareness (discover, locate, identify, classify and counteract the threats) with particular focus on maritime littoral and high sea areas and harbour protection and related critical infrastructure
- Topic EDIDP-MSC-CRPS-2020 – Coastal radars and passive sensors with associated relevant networks
- Topic EDIDP-MSC-NS-2020 – Maritime surveillance generated by networks of sensors based on fixed and/or semi-fixed unmanned platforms
- Call EDIDP-NGPSC-2020 – Upgrade of current and development of next generation ground-based precision strike capabilities
- Topic EDIDP-NGPSC-LRIF-2020 – A Platform for long range indirect fire support capabilities
- Topic EDIDP-NGPSC-PGA-2020 – Programmable and guided ammunition
- Call EDIDP-GCC-2020 – Ground combat capabilities
- Call EDIDP-ACC-2020 – Air combat capabilities
- Topic EDIDP-ACC-CH-2020 – Upgrading or developing next generation combat helicopters
- Topic EDIDP-ACC-SPS-2020 – Self-protection systems for fixed and rotary wing aircraft
- Topic EDIDP-ACC-3MACS-2020 – EU multiplatform mission management capabilities for air combat systems
- Call EDIDP-SVTE-2020 – Simulation and virtualisation tools and equipment for training, exercises, systems design, development and integration, testing and validation
- Call EDIDP-AI-2020 – Defence technologies supported by artificial intelligence
- Call EDIDP-SME-2020 – Innovative and future-oriented defence solutions
How to apply
If you are interested in working as an expert for the evaluation of proposals and have
- relevant expertise in one or more of the above-mentioned areas
- a personal security clearance at the appropriate level and are interested to work as an expert for the evaluation of proposals,
We invite you to express your interest by sending an e-mail to the address ec-edidp-expertsec [dot] europa [dot] eu (ec-edidp-experts[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu)
Please include in your email
- your area of expertise in relation to the 2020 EDIDP calls
- an updated Curriculum Vitae (or indicate your expert number if you are already registered in the database). Add all relevant keywords and information that best describe your expertise and background
- if you are in possession of a personal security clearance (PSC). The PSC is mandatory for experts assisting the EC in the EDIDP evaluations
Read the Conditions of registration
Review of EDIDP missions
The EDIDP is implemented through annual calls for proposals in 2019 and 2020. The calls are based on a two-year work programme defined in close cooperation with Member States and adopted by the Commission on 19 March 2019.
In 2019-2020, the Commission is running the following actions
- 21 calls for proposals (9 done 2019 and 12 scheduled for 2020)
- 2 non-competitive calls (direct awards)